PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook
PowerTeacher Pro is used for grading at all schools. Instructions and video tutorials are available below.
Please Note: Chrome is the recommended browser for PowerSchool
Logging In:
- PowerSchool for Teachers link: https://ps.pembrokek12.org/teachers/pw.html
- Username: first initial and last name (ie. jsmith)
- Password: if you do not remember your password, contact Erin Tinker at erin.tinker@pembrokek12.org
- After logging in, click PowerTeacher Pro at the top left of the screen.
PowerTeacher Pro Printable Instruction Sheet
Instructions and Video Tutorials
Be sure to use the Chrome browser for PowerTeacher Pro. PT Pro is fastest in Chrome.
To Add Assignments:
Click “Create” at the top right of the screen and choose Assignment
Enter all information for the assignment
Use the Students tab to assign this to a certain student or group of students
To Grade Assignments:
Click Grading then Scoresheet
Click on a cell in the scoresheet to enter or edit a grade using the black grading panel on the right
Click Save
To Create a new Category or Remove One:
Click “Grading” on the left side menu, and then click Categories
To edit or delete a category, click the pencil icon to the right
To add a category, click the plus sign at the top
Set up Weights: Choose Either Total Points or Category Weights
IMPORTANT!: By Default, all gradebooks are set up with 4 default categories - Classwork, Project Quiz and Test. If you wish to use your own custom categories, be sure to set up the weighting for those categories by following the steps below in the Category Weights section. If your grades are not calculating correctly, it may mean you have forgotten to add one of your categories to the calculation.
Option 1 - Total Points:
- Click Settings on the left side menu
- Click Traditional Grade Calculations
- Select the class you want to edit first
- Click the pencil icon to the right of the T1, T2, T3, or T4. (DO NOT edit Y1, S1, S2, M1 or M2.)
- Change the Type drop down of the first row to Total Points
- Click the minus sign to the right of the other rows to delete the category calculations.
- Click Save
- Repeat this for all terms in all classes.
Option 2 - Category Weights:
IMPORTANT: DO NOT change Y1, S1 or S2 settings!
- Click Settings Then Traditional Grade Calculations
- Click the Pencil Icon next to T1, T2, T3, or T4 – REMEMBER – DO NOT CLICK Y1, S1, S2, M1 or M2
Make any needed changes. You can add category weights by clicking the plus sign at the top and remove them by clicking the minus sign to the right of the row.
Click Save
Continue by clicking the pencil icon for each Term (T) for this class and all others
You can copy category weights to other terms and classes. Please do this carefully:
- Be sure you are still in the Settings – Traditional Grades Calculations Section
- Click the settings icon at the TOP RIGHT
- Click Copy Traditional Grade Calculations
- To copy weights within this class to another Term (T), click “Within A Class”
- In the From box
- Select the Class from the Drop Down to copy FROM
- Select the reporting term to copy FROM (MUST USE ONLY the Ts HERE T1, T2, T3, or T4 ONLY)
- Select the Reporting Term to Copy TO
- Click Validate
- Review the Summary Screen and if it looks as expected, click COPY
- To Copy Weights to another Class
- At the top, select “To Another Class”
- In the From Box, select the Term to Copy FROM (T1, T2, T3, or T4 ONLY)
- Select the Class to Copy From
- Select the Term to copy TO (T1, T2, T3, or T4 ONLY)
- Select the Class to Copy TO (T1, T2, T3, or T4 ONLY)
- Review the Summary Screen and if it looks as expected, click COPY
AP Teachers ONLY – Adjust Term Weights for Y1 Only for all AP classes
- Click Settings Then Traditional Grade Calculations
- Click on your AP Class
- Click the Pencil Icon next to Y1
- Set up the weights appropriately
- Repeat for other AP classes
Transfer Scores
When you are viewing assignments for a new student who transferred in to the class after the term's start date, you can copy assignment scores from the student's dropped class.
- You can select past and current terms from the From Class and To Class menus.
- Scores cannot be transferred to locked terms.
- Online work is not available to transfer.
Assignment scores, standards scores, assignment comments and assignment flags are saved as part of the transfer process. Comments from the From Class teacher appear with the teacher's name at the end of the comment.
- On the menu bar, select Students. Students who enrolled in the class after the term's start date are indicated with New - [date] under their name.
Select the student's name.
- On the student Quick Menu, select Transfer Scores. Or, if you are viewing the student's Assignments page, select the gear icon and choose Transfer Scores.
- Use the filter options to limit the number of items appearing on the page. If the filter is not visible, click the Gear and select Show Filter.
- Choose the dropped class from the From Class menu.
- Choose the class you want to copy scores to from the To Class menu.
- From the To Class Assignment column, select the assignment mapping.
- If the assignment ID or assignment name matches between the From Class and To Class, the matching assignment appears in the To Class column automatically.
- If there are multiple assignment names that match between the From Class and To Class, but there is one unique due date match among the multiple exact name matches, the assignment with the matching due date appears in the To Class column automatically.
- If there are no matching IDs or names between the From Class and To Class, then no suggested assignment appears, but you can browse available assignments and select one for score mapping.
- Click Details to view transfer score details. Messages on the details screen note any potential issues with the score transfer.
- Click Transfer Scores.
When transferring scores to an assignment using a different grade scale:
- Percentages are copied.
- Point are adjusted as needed.
- Letter grades are calculated based on the To Class grade scale.
- Exempt the exam so that it does not calculate toward the final grade.
- Print “EX” on the report card as the M2 grade.
- Log into PowerSchool and open PowerTeacher Pro for the appropriate class
- Click Grading
- Click Score Sheet
- Set your term near the top to “M2”
- Click the box to the right of the student’s name under the M2 Grade column – see screenshot below
- Crucial step 1: Type EX in the grading panel, OR select “Codes” then “EX”. (this ensures that EX will appear on the report card).
- Crucial step 2: Now also click Exempt at the bottom of the grading panel. Exempt must be purple. This ensures the M2 grade will not count toward S1 or Y1. .
- Click “Save”
- Double check the students final S1 grade for a semester-long class or Y1 for a year-long class. Be sure the M2 grade is not affecting the final S1 or Y1 grade.
- Exempt the exam so that it does not calculate toward the final grade.
- Print “EX” on the report card as the M4 grade.
- Log into PowerSchool and open PowerTeacher Pro for the appropriate class
- Click Grading
- Click Scoresheet
- Set your term near the top to “M4”
- Click the box to the right of the student’s name under the M4 Grade column – see screenshot below
- Crucial step 1: Type EX in the grading panel, OR select “Codes” then “EX”. (this ensures that EX will appear on the report card).
- Crucial step 2: Now also click Exempt at the bottom of the grading panel. Exempt must be purple. This ensures the M2 grade will not count toward S2 or Y1.
- Click “Save”
- Double check the students final S2 grade for a semester-long class or Y1 for a year-long class to be sure the 0% is not counting toward the final grade.
Log into PowerTeacher Pro, and then follow the steps below:
- Click Class
- Click Email Class
Option 1: Email an Individual Parent/Student
- Copy the email by highlighting it and clicking CTRL+C or right click and select Copy.
- Go to Gmail and click the plus sign to Compose a new message
- Click CTRL+V or right click and Paste in the email.
- Compose and send your message as usual.
Option 2: Email a few students/parents, or the entire group just this one time
- Check the box(es) at the top to select all email addresses, OR check the boxes next to a few you want to email
- Go to the bottom, and for "Delimiter Type", select Semicolon
- Click Build List
- Hold CTRL+C, or right click the highlighted emails to COPY
- Go to Gmail
- Click the plus sign to "Compose" a new email
- IMPORTANT: Paste the email addresses into the BCC Box. Click BCC to the right of "TO". Then hold CTRL+V or right click and Paste to paste (BCC Prevents parents from seeing each others' email addresses)
- Draft and send your message as usual
Additional Setup: Create an email group in Gmail for the class to be used throughout the year
- After following the steps above to copy the list of contacts:
- Go to Google Contacts (go to Gmail, click the waffle button at the top right, and click Contacts)
- Click Create Contact
- Select Create Multiple Contacts
- Type CTRL+V or right click to paste the emails were it says to Add Names or Email Addresses.
- Click No Label at the top
- Near the bottom, where it says "New Label" type a name for this group. Eg Homeroom Class.
- Click Create
To Email your saved contact group:
- Go to Gmail
- Click the plus sign at the top right to "Compose" a new email
- IMPORTANT: in the BCC box, type the name of the Label you created
- Draft and send your message as usual
Open the Gradebook
- Log in to PowerTeacher
- Click the “PowerTeacher Pro” link under any class name, or click “PowerTeacher Pro” on the left side menu
There are 2 grade entry screen options available in PowerTeacher Pro. Try taking a look at both screens and decide which one works best for you:
Grade 6 teachers:
- IMPORTANT: Double check that the term at the top right is set to the correct trimester: T1, T2, or T3 (NOT Y1)
- Click Grading on the left side menu.
- Click Scoresheet
- Review the final grades under the "Grade" column. To edit a grade, click on it and the grading panel will open on the right.
- Adjust the grade if needed
- Click Save when all grading is done for this class
- Use the blue drop down at the top center of the screen to switch between classes
- Follow either Step 1 or Step 2 below to grade the standards for your homeroom class.
Step 1 K-5: Standards Grading Screen to enter all NAs for standards
- Click Grading on the left side menu.
- Under Grades, click Standards
- IMPORTANT: Double check that the term at the top right is set to the correct trimester – T1, T2, or T3 (NOT Y1)
- Click the box next to the first student under the first standard you wish to grade
- The grading panel appears on the right of the screen.
- Select or type the grade. Choose NA if the standard was not covered this term. (You can type in the score if you find that easier.)
- Use the Fill buttons to fill in a score for all students vertically or all standards for one student horizontally.
- Navigate to additional standards by clicking the right pointing arrow at the end of the list of standards. Alternately, set the columns per page to a higher number so that you can scroll through them using the bottom scroll bar.
- Click SAVE when done entering all grades for this class/subject.
- Use the blue drop down menu at the top center of the screen to switch to the next class
Step 2 K-5 Standards Progress View (Optional if all standards were entered in the Standards Grading screen): Enter / View All Standards for a Single Student
- To view a single student’s standards grades on one screen, click Students > Standard Progress.
- Be sure the Term at the top is set correctly (T1, T2, or T3).
- Click the box under the first standard you wish to grade.
- The grading panel appears on the right of the screen.
- Select the grade for the standard. (You can type in the standard score if you find that easier.)
- Use the Fill buttons to fill in a score for all standards vertically.
- Click SAVE when done entering all grades for this student.
- Switch to the next student by clicking the student's name at the top of the screen.
- Switch classes/subjects at the top center of the screen
Grade Preview Report in PowerTeacher Pro
Run this report to show your students' overall subject grades and the standards in a report card like view. This will work prior to storing subject grades.
- Click Reports on the left side menu
- Click Standards Grades Report
- For classes, be sure to check the boxes for all classes
- For Student Field, Choose to display the students name
- For Layout, choose by Reporting Term/Final Grade
- For Standards field, choose Name or Both
- IMPORTANT: For Reporting Terms, select only T1, T2, and T3
- You can now click the Students tab or Format tab at the top to choose other options for running the report. Or just click Run Report.
- Click the View Reports button at the bottom
- Once the status column has a green check, click the title of the report to download it.
- The overall course grade appears at the bottom instead of the top like on the report card, but everything else is the same as how it will show on the report card.
To Print Report Cards
- Report cards are printed from the PowerSchool main screen, NOT in PowerTeacher
- Go to PowerSchool
- Click “Reports” on the left
- Choose the Report Card from the Drop down list
- Click Submit
- Click Refresh until you see a blue “View” link under Status
- Click View
- Download the PDF to save it and/or click Print to print it
Log into PowerTeacher Pro, and then follow the steps below:
- Click Class
- Click Email Class
Option 1: Email an Individual Parent/Student
- Copy the email by highlighting it and clicking CTRL+C or right click and select Copy.
- Go to Gmail and click the plus sign to Compose a new message
- Click CTRL+V or right click and Paste in the email.
- Compose and send your message as usual.
Option 2: Email a few students/parents, or the entire group just this one time
- Check the box(es) at the top to select all email addresses, OR check the boxes next to a few you want to email
- Go to the bottom, and for "Delimiter Type", select Semicolon
- Click Build List
- Hold CTRL+C, or right click the highlighted emails to COPY
- Go to Gmail
- Click the plus sign to "Compose" a new email
- IMPORTANT: Paste the email addresses into the BCC Box. Click BCC to the right of "TO". Then hold CTRL+V or right click and Paste to paste (BCC Prevents parents from seeing each others' email addresses)
- Draft and send your message as usual
Option 3: Create an email group in Gmail for the class to be used throughout the year
- Check the box at the top to select all students
- OR check the boxes next to a few students you want to email
- Go to the bottom, and for "Delimiter Type", select Semicolon
- Click Build List
- Type CTRL+C, or right click the highlighted emails to COPY
- Go to Google Contacts (go to Gmail, click the waffle button at the top right, and click Contacts)
- Click Create Contact
- Select Create Multiple Contacts
- Type CTRL+V or right click to paste the emails were it says to Add Names or Email Addresses.
- Click No Label at the top
- Near the bottom, where it says "New Label" type a name for this group. Eg 2020-2021 Homeroom Class.
- Click Create
To Email your saved contact group:
- Go to Gmail
- Click the plus sign at the top right to "Compose" a new email
- IMPORTANT: in the BCC box, type the name of the Label you created
- Draft and send your message as usual
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