PowerSchool for Teachers
PowerSchool is used for all student information, parent contacts, attendance and grading. Please see the quick guides below for instructions.
- PowerSchool can be accessed by Teachers at this Link: https://ps.pembrokek12.org/teachers/pw.html
- If you do not remember your login, contact Erin Tinker at erin.tinker@pembrokek12.org
Emailing Parents and Students
You can now email parents and students from within PowerSchool.
Log in and Navigate to the Email screen:
- Log into PowerSchool
- Access the Emailing Screen in two ways
- Right from PowerTeacher (without entering the gradebook)
- Select the Student Information Card icon next to the class
- Click Email Addresses on the left
- Right from PowerTeacher (without entering the gradebook)
- OR from within PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook
- Click Class
- Click Email Class
Option 1: Email an Individual Parent/Student
- Copy the email by highlighting it and clicking CTRL+C or right click and select Copy.
- Go to Gmail and click the plus sign to Compose a new message
- Click CTRL+V or right click and Paste in the email.
- Compose and send your message as usual.
Option 2: Email a few students/parents, or the entire group just this one time
- Check the box(es) at the top to select all email addresses, OR check the boxes next to a few you want to email
- Go to the bottom, and for "Delimiter Type", select Semicolon
- Click Build List
- Hold CTRL+C, or right click the highlighted emails to COPY
- Go to Gmail
- Click the plus sign to "Compose" a new email
- IMPORTANT: Paste the email addresses into the BCC Box. Click BCC to the right of "TO". Then hold CTRL+V or right click and Paste to paste (BCC Prevents parents from seeing each others' email addresses)
- Draft and send your message as usual
Option 3: Create an email group in Gmail for the class to be used throughout the year
- Check the box at the top to select all students
- OR check the boxes next to a few students you want to email
- Go to the bottom, and for "Delimiter Type", select Semicolon
- Click Build List
- Type CTRL+C, or right click the highlighted emails to COPY
- Go to Google Contacts (go to Gmail, click the waffle button at the top right, and click Contacts)
- Click Create Contact
- Select Create Multiple Contacts
- Type CTRL+V or right click to paste the emails where it says to Add Names or Email Addresses.
- Click No Label at the top
- Near the bottom, where it says "New Label" type a name for this group. Eg 2020-2021 Homeroom Class.
- Click Create
To Email your saved contact group:
- Go to Gmail
- Click the plus sign at the top right to "Compose" a new email
- IMPORTANT: in the BCC box, type the name of the Label you created
- Draft and send your message as usual
Attendance, Lunch Counts, and Student Information
Taking Attendance
An attendance indicator icon appears next to each class. The color of the dot indicates whether or not you've taken attendance for that class.
- Click the chair icon next to the class for which you want to take attendance.
- Choose the appropriate attendance code from the Current attendance code popup menu.
- Click the cell next to each student who is absent or tardy to insert the code you chose from the pop-up menu.
- Click Submit.
Change Attendance Data
- Click the chair icon next to the class for which you want to change past attendance, or mark future attendance.
- Select a specific date for which to change attendance from the pop-up menu in the upper right corner of the page.
- Click the cell next to each student’s attendance codes (where applicable) to change the existing attendance code, or mark a future attendance code.
- Click Submit.
Submitting Lunch Counts
- Click the utensil icon next to the class for which you want to submit a lunch count.
- Enter the lunch counts in the fields.
- Click Submit.
Accessing Student Information
- Click the backpack icon next to the class you want to view.
- Click the student’s name.
- Choose a student page to access from the Select screens pop-up menu. Clicking on a student’s last name takes you to the default student screen. Clicking on their first name takes you to the last page you worked with.
Printing School Reports
Your school creates the reports available to you in PowerTeacher.
- Click the printer icon next to the class for which you want to print a report.
- Choose the report from the Which report would you like to print pop-up menu.
- Choose the watermark text (optional).
- Choose when you want PowerSchool to prepare your report.
- Click Submit.
Change Password
- Click Personalize.
- On the Personalize page, click Change Password.
- Enter your old password, then enter and verify the new password.
- Click Submit.
Accessing PowerTeacher Help
To access the PowerTeacher Online Help, click the Help icon, which looks like a question mark.
PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook Instructions
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