Google Workspace for Education
Pembroke staff and all students in grades 3-12 have a Google for Education account. Teachers and students can follow the instructions below to log into their account and begin using Drive, Docs, and other Google tools. Please note that we do not have Gmail accounts. All email for Pembroke Public Schools is through Microsoft Outlook. Please see the link to the left for instructions on accessing email.
- Open a web browser, preferably Chrome.
- Go to
- Click the blue “Sign In” button in the top right corner.
- Type in your email address (student logins are in the format:
- Click “Next”
- Enter the same password used to log into a school computer and click “Next”
- Click on the “Waffle” (nine dots, top right corner) to access all of the Google Tools available to G Suite for Education users, except Gmail email as we will continue to use Office 365’s “Outlook” email.
- Additional resources and tutorials for using Google's G-Suite for Education are available below.