Frontline Ed Absence Management
Frontline Education's Absence Management is used to enter sick days, request personal days and track all absences.
Frontline can be accessed via a mobile app, any web browser, or via telephone:
Frontline Education App
Go to the app store on your device.
- Search for “Frontline Education”.
- Enter the district “unlock code”: 7354.
- Enter your username and password to log in.
Logging In via a Web Browser
- Absence Management Login Screen
- Enter your username and password. Then, click Login.
- If you’re having trouble logging in, click "Forgot Username" or "Forgot Password".
Creating an Absence
You can enter a new absence right from your homepage.
- Scroll to the lower part of the screen under "Create an Absence"
- Click the date on the calendar for which you will be absent. If you are on a PC, you can select multiple days by holding the CTRL (CMD on a Mac) key and clicking the dates.
- Select the Absence Reason
- Select whether you will be out for the full day, a half day in the morning (AM), or a half day in the afternoon (PM). Important: If you are entering a half day absence, please be sure to click the link icon and change the Substitute Report Time to full day. Substitute teachers are require to report for a full day of work even if your absence is just for a half day.
- Other details are optional. You can choose to add a note to your administrator, attach files for substitutes to use, or click advanced to select a sub (if applicable).
- When you have completed entering the absence details, click the Create Absence button.
Managing your PIN and Personal Information (Web Browser Only)
Under the “Account” tab, you can manage your personal information, change your PIN number (used for logging in on the telephone), upload shared attachments, view absence reason balances, manage your preferred substitutes, and more.
Getting Help and Training
If you have questions, want to learn more about a certain feature, or need more information about a specific topic, click the Question Mark at the top of the screen and go to Frontline Support where you can search the knowledge base of help and training materials.
Using Absence Management on the Telephone
Not only is Absence Management on the web, but you can also create absences, manage personal information, check absence reason balances, and more, all over the phone. Just dial 1-800-942-3767, and you will be prompted to enter your ID number (your primary phone number), followed by the #sign, and then your PIN number, followed by the # sign.
Over the phone, you can:
- Create an absence (within the next 30 days) – Press 1
- Check your absence reason (entitlement) balances – Press 2
- Review upcoming absences – Press 3
- Review a specific absence – Press 4
- Review or change your personal information – Press 5
If you create an absence over the phone, be sure to make note of the confirmation number that the system assigns.
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