Clever is a Single Sign On (SSO) tool that will allow staff and students to have one location that stores all usernames and passwords.
Clever for Staff
- To access Clever on a Windows computer, it is highly recommended that you use Chrome and that you install the Clever Extension in your browser. Open Chrome and Google "Clever Extension" then add it to your laptop.
- Click on the Extension to open Clever.
- The first time you log in, you will need to type the name of your school in the box
- Choose the option to "Log in with Google"
- Enter your Pembroke Google Credentials
- The first time you click on any link in your Clever portal, you may be asked to provide your login credentials for that application. Thereafter, you will be automatically logged in!
Teacher Instructions and Tutorials
Clever for Students
- Students can log into Chromebooks with their Google username and password.
- For elementary students, Clever is set as the default home screen and should appear automatically after opening Chrome. If it does not appear automatically, have the student click the Clever Extension at the top right of the screen (blue background with a white C).
- Students can then click on the apps on their Clever portal to open them.
- Clever Badges should be printed for student iPad users. Click here for instructions on printing Badges if needed
- Students open the Clever App on the iPad, and then scan their badge.
- Students can then tap on the apps on their Clever portal to open them.
Apps in Clever
Auto-Rostered Apps:
Some applications in Clever are synced with class lists from PowerSchool. These apps will allow you and/or your students to click the icon in Clever to be logged in automatically and will not require teachers/staff to create class rosters.
Enriching Students
Google Classroom
i-Ready (Click here for instructions on setting up i-Ready for the year)
Lexia Products: Core5, PowerUp, and MyLexia
McGraw Hill
Initial rostering is done for the following:
Fitnessgram - (Start of semester rsosters are imported. Any changes to rosters thereafter must be completed by teachers)
Holt-McDougal Online - (Start of year rosters are imported. Any changes to rosters thereafter must be completed by teachers)
Savvas - student user accounts are imported at the beginning of the year. It is recommended that all teachers sync their Savvas classes with their Google Classroom. Once that is done, students do not need to log into Savvas. They will access all of their Savvas assignments via Google Classroom. Click here for instructions for setting up Savvas for the year
All other applications are teacher-managed.
PPS Tech University
Find tutorial videos for Pembroke's apps and sites all in one place.