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Hobomock Elementary School Partnership Compact

Student Pledge- I will

  • attend school on time each day with a positive attitude. If I am absent, I will make up missed class work or homework.
  • take notices and correct homework from school promptly and deliver notices to my teacher from home.
  • complete my homework assignments.
  • discuss homework with my family to share what I am learning.
  • set high standards for myself.

Family Pledge- I will

  • help my child to do well in school by encouraging my child to work hard and cooperate with teachers and other students.
  • send my child well rested, prepared and on time each day with a positive attitude about school and being a student.
  • set up a "quiet zone" in my home for homework and study.
  • read notices from the school and communicate with teachers or others involved with my child.
  • check to see that my child completes the homework assigned and reads or is read to for 15 minutes daily.
  • encourage my child to discuss homework, class work and report card results.
  • volunteer to work at school or at home to assist my child, the teacher, the class or the community.