Acceptable Use and Internet Safety
Pembroke Public Schools (PPS) has established an internet connection for use by students, teachers, support staff, and administrators. The purpose of this internet access is to promote and enhance our educational program in the following ways:
- Students and staff can use the internet for research
- Individuals and classes can communicate locally and around the world using electronic mail
- The school can establish a presence on the World Wide Web
- Students will be prepared to more effectively use the internet throughout their educational career and in later life
- The internet will be utilized to increase effective communication between home, school, and the community
The internet is an important resource for education and communication. It enables the user to connect with computers all over the world and millions of individual subscribers.
For the above reasons, we believe that the internet is a valuable tool that will enrich a student’s instructional program. However, while it is our intention to use the internet to further the educational goals of the school, students may find ways to access other information as well. Since the variety of materials and points of access to the internet are so numerous, families should be aware that some of the material might be inappropriate for use in the school, illegal, inaccurate, controversial, or potentially offensive to some people. Because we believe the benefits and opportunities outweigh the concerns, we plan to monitor student use closely and may utilize a filtering program to screen potentially objectionable material. At the same time, we will be educating students about the ethics and responsible use of internet resources.
Access to the internet is a privilege and users are responsible for their behavior and communications on the World Wide Web just as they are in any school setting or situation. The network is provided for users to conduct research and communicate with others in a manner, which is consistent with the educational goals of the school.
It is understood that teachers may provide an entire class or groups of students with live or simulated access to the World Wide Web as part of their instructional program, and this will not require individually signed agreements. However, individual access to the internet will only be given to those who have signed the user agreement. As a result, all students must have signed parental/caregiver permission to work individually on the internet in the Pembroke schools. Those students will be guided toward appropriate use and supervised by faculty during school hours on school related assignments. Outside of school, families bear the same responsibility for guidance just as they would television, movies, print media, etc.
Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored. However, the following are not permitted:
- Commercial use of the system/network
- Use of the system/network for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities or any activity prohibited by PPS district policy
- Downloading and/or streaming for non-educational purposes
- Use of inappropriate language, swearing, vulgarity; ethnic or racial slurs, and other inflammatory language
- Non-authorized attempts to read, delete, copy, or modify the electronic mail of other users or to interfere with the ability of other users to send /receive electronic mail
- Pretending to be someone else when sending / receiving messages.
- Harassment of others
- Transmitting or viewing obscene material
- Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy equipment, materials, data, or programs
- Forgery or attempted forgery
As a user of the Pembroke Public School’s computer network, I hereby agree to comply with the stated rules and to honor all relevant laws and restrictions while communicating over the network. I understand that my access to the internet is for educational purposes consistent with the goals of the school only.
I understand that email will be provided by Pembroke Public Schools for all students in grades 2 and above for internal use with Pembroke Public Schools staff and students.
I have read the Pembroke School Committee Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy and Regulations[1] and I understand and accept the conditions as they are given. I release the Pembroke School Department and its employees from any liability and damage resulting from use of the internet in the Pembroke Public Schools.
I accept full responsibility for my actions as they apply to the use of the internet at the Pembroke Public Schools. I also understand that my ability to use the Pembroke School Department internet is a privilege, which may be revoked at any time if deemed appropriate for violation of these conditions for use.
[1] Reference: Pembroke School Committee Policies IJNDB and IJNDB-R