Technology Department
Digital Learning
At Pembroke Public Schools, technology has been incorporated as one of the necessary tools for learning in the digital age. We strive to ensure student growth and achievement through the integration of technology programs and teaching practices that will prepare our students for citizenship in a digital world.
Lessons based in Universal Design strategies minimize the digital divide by providing accessible and equitable access to all students. We embrace the use of technology to support teaching and learning through creativity, collaboration, communication, critical thinking and responsibility within our school community and beyond.
PowerSchool Tutorials for Parents
Click the link below for video tutorials and step by step instructions for creating a PowerSchool Parent Portal Account or adding a student to your existing account.
Technology Help
Pembroke Technology Staff is available to assist with school-related technology issues.
Pembroke Public Schools Mobile App
On your mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play and search for Pembroke Public Schools.