Student Services
Jessica DeLorenzo
Director of Student Services
Special Education Director
Homeless Liaison
Foster Care Point of Contact
Title I Coordinator
Civil Rights Coordinator
504 Coordinator
Title IX Coordinator
72 Pilgrim Road
Pembroke, MA 02359
Ph: 781-829-0832
Fax: 781-829-6957
Pembroke Public Schools prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, homelessness or disability.
Pembroke Public Schools
December 30, 2022
In compliance with Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulation 603 CMR 23.06 (3), The Pembroke Public School District will destroy the Special Education records of any Pembroke student who transferred, graduated, withdrew or terminated from Special Education programs or services June 30, 2015. This is in accordance with the requirement to destroy such records after a period of seven years.
Any parent/guardian or student aged 14 years or older, can obtain their original record within 30 days of this notice. They may do so by contacting the Student Services Office, Special Education Department at 781-826-8740 no later than January 30, 2023.
All unclaimed student records meeting the above criteria will be destroyed after the January 30, 2023 deadline.
Link Library
Student Services Document Library
Student Services Document Library- Translated Documents
- Aviso aos pais sobre salvaguardas processuais
- 'iishear alwalidayn bialdamanat al'iijrayiya
- Thông báo của Phụ huynh về các Biện pháp Bảo vệ theo Thủ tục
- Tuvakuéra Marandu Salvaguardia Procedimiento rehegua
- Aviso a los padres de garantías procesales
- Nuevo Formulario del Programa de Educación Individualizado
- Assunto: O novo formulário estadual do Programa Educacional Individualizado
- વિષય: નિો રાજ્યવ્યાપી વ્યવિગત વિક્ષણ કાયયક્રમ (IEP) ફોમય
- เรื่อง: แบบฟอร์มโปรแกรมกํารศึกษํารํายบุคคล(IEP) ฉบบัใหม่สํา หรับทวั่ รัฐ
- الموضوع: النموذج الجديد المعتمد عىل مستوى الوالية لربنامج التعليم الفردي )IEP)
- Chủ đề: Biểu Mẫu Chương Trình Giáo Dục Cá Nhân (IEP) Mới Toàn Tiểu Bang