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Anxiety Depression

Tools to Manage Anxiety

A little anxiety can be helpful…

  • Motivation
  • Protection
  • Improved performance

YET too much can be detrimental…

  • Distress  then avoidance
  • Interference with functioning 
  • Other difficulties (potential depression)

The Feelings Wheel

Feelings Wheel


Panic Attack Strategy

Be Brave

B- Body Knowledge

Learn the facts about panic. A Panic attack is your body preparing you to deal with danger. If there is no danger your body is giving you a false alarm. The BEST way to calm your body it to BREATHE.

R- Realistic thinking

Try not to panic about panic.  Remind yourself that the panic is uncomfortable but it is not harmful.  Your body is having a false alarm and the false alarm will stop ringing in time.


Accept this is how your body works.  Accept that this happens to you sometimes. Accept that once your body’s alarm system has been triggered, it will take a while before it settles down.

V- Validate

Panic attacks are real and very uncomfortable BUT they are not deadly and you do not have to let them stop you. You may be suffering but you are also strong.   You are strong. You will survive.  You are brave. V is for victory over anxiety.

E- End

Panic attacks end.  It is not your job to stop or end a panic attack.  It is your job to ride the wave of panic. Surf it or dive into it.  Trying to fight it or end it tends to make it worse.  You can handle the panic attack.


Suicide Ideation is life-threatening. It must be taken seriously each time.

If Your Child is in Crisis:

  • Take them to an emergency room or mental health center for an evaluation immediately.
  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Do not leave your child alone.
  • Secure or remove items from your home that could potentially facilitate a suicide attempt. (firearms, medication).

More than Sad- Teen Depression

More Than Sad - Teen Depression from WSTX Television on Vimeo.

Angst is an IndieFlix Original, documentary designed to raise awareness around anxiety.

Helpful Resources for Anxiety & Depression

All providers, websites and resources referenced here are for informational purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of PPS and should not replace professional, medical or legal advice. Readers should be aware that websites, sources, and terms are constantly evolving and may change before being updated on this site. This site is by no means exhaustive. In addition to the sources researched and documented here, there are many, many more sites and organizations that may provide different, valuable and useful information for your needs.