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Step 1: Child Search

In January of the school year prior to enrollment, our elementary schools begin what is known as "Child Search".  Letters are sent home with all children currently enrolled in our elementary schools.  In addition, a "Child Search" form is added to our website.  The purpose of Child Search is to identify all children who are of age to enter Kindergarten during the next school year so that additional registration information can be sent to prospective families.

Step 2: Kindergarten Information Letters

In early spring, letters/emails from elementary school principals are sent to all families identified during the Child Search process.  The letter/email will include additional information regarding registration at your child's school and the Kindergarten screening process.

Letters will go out on March 3rd.

Step 3: Online Registration Forms - Kindergarten Registration on Powerschool.

Registration Packets will be available in the spring.

Attach required documents while completing the online registration.

Attach to PowerSchool Registration or mail/hand deliver to the school the following documents for registration.

  • Deed, lease agreement, mortgage bill, tax bill, the electric bill, or water bill (dated within the past 60 days)
  • Current driver's license or valid photo ID
  • Child's birth certificate
  • Child's immunization and physician's examination records (dated within the past 13 months)
  • Previous school records (if applicable) (Preschool progress report)
  • Copy of court/custody papers (if applicable)
  • If you reside with a friend or family member and do not own or lease your home, the homeowner must submit a NOTARIZED letter stating you and your child(ren) reside with them at their Pembroke address. The homeowner will also need to submit a copy of their deed, lease agreement, mortgage bill, tax bill, electric bill, or water bill.
  • Completed Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire. 

Step 4: Print and Complete the Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire and return to the school prior to the screening dates:

Bryantville Kindergarten Presentation

First page of the PDF file: KPresentation