Full-Day Kindergarten Overview
Pembroke Public Schools are proud to offer a full-day kindergarten program
All Pembroke kindergarten students now have the opportunity to benefit from the programming offered in a full-day setting. The change to a universal-full day kindergarten program has been a long-range goal of Superintendent Obey. It is important to note that the school district will no longer have a separate half-day kindergarten program. With the change to a full-day tuition-free program, Pembroke joins the majority of communities across the state who have transitioned to a full-day program to foster student achievement.
Kindergarten students will eat in the school cafeteria and have access to the school lunch program. Milk is available for a snack. Each elementary school is staffed by a full-time school nurse.
Transportation to and from school is offered to all kindergarten students. A transportation application must be submitted in order to reserve a seat on the bus for your child.
Transportation applications will be available in the online student registration packets available each July prior to the start of the school year.
Kindergarten Orientation is held on the first day of the school year. Each elementary school sets the time for orientation for their building. These times will be on the website calendar. Parents and kindergarten students are invited to come and meet teachers and see the classrooms. Students will also have the opportunity to take a quick ride on the school bus to get them comfortable. The entire orientation is about 45 minutes. The first official day for Kindergarten students is the second day of the school year.