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Preparing for School

School Ready Checklist

Preparing for school can be stressful for all.  Here is a checklist of steps to get started and stay organized:

  1. Let your child know what his/her schedule will be.  Include after school programs. 
  2. Establish a bedtime and wake-up time to ensure adequate and consistent sleep. (Tip: a week before school starts, begin bedtime 10 minutes earlier each night until you reach the desired bedtime.) 
  3. Breakfast very important: For those students who do not have time; make sure there is always "grab and go" food available. i.e. bananas, apples, granola bars and or breakfast bars. Students can always purchase breakfast at school, too.  See our Foodservice web page for details.
  4. Make sure immunizations are up to date. It is a good practice to give the school nurse a copy of the most recent physical every year. 
  5. If your child has a health concern, contact your school nurse. 
  6. If your student requires medication (epinephrine auto-injector, asthma inhaler or daily medication) during the school year, bring the medication in the original pharmacy container along with signed orders from your health care provider. Forms for you and your child's physician to sign can be downloaded here
  7. Always notify the school nurse of any illness or injuries as they occur throughout the year. 
  8. Communicate with your child about his or her feelings, no matter what age, about school. 
  9. Parents communicate with the school, get to know your child's teacher, principal, assistant principal, guidance counselor, and school nurse. 
  10. Be active in your child's school, if possible, join the PTO. If you cannot be active stay informed with the school's website about upcoming events and encourage your child to participate. 

A lot can happen on a school day.  No matter if your child is in kindergarten or high school, the staff is ready and able to help not only your child but you too!

Sources; American Academy of Pediatrics; Caring for your school-age child; ages 5-12, by Edward L Schor (Bantam 1999) 

National Association of School Nurse (2014) Back to School Family Checklist Tool Box