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Health Services

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Pembroke School Nursing Services 

School nursing, a specialized practice of public health nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates normal development, and advances academic success.  School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders that bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potentials.

- National Association of School Nurses, 2016

Pembroke Public Schools' nurses promote the health and safety of our students in school, at home, and in the community.  Providing quality resources for our community is an important part of public health.  Pembroke Public Schools employ full-time registered nurses in all 5 schools: North Pembroke Elementary, Hobomock Elementary, Bryantville Elementary, Pembroke Community Middle School, and Pembroke High School.  Click here to view the health services provided.

Dr.Gina Boutwell of South Shore Medical Center, is Pembroke’s School Physician, providing consultation and guidance to the school nurses throughout the year (

Health Services Provided

Health services provided within the Comprehensive School Health Program include:

  • Monitoring compliance with state immunization guidelines
  • Identification and prevention of the spread of disease
  • Administration of medication
  • Annual vision screening in grades K-5; once in grades 7-8; once in grades 9-12
  • Annual hearing screening grades K-3; once in grades 7-8; once in grades 9-12
  • Annual postural screening in grades in grades 5-9
  • Height, weight, and BMI measurements in grades 1, 4, 7, 10
  • Case management services, i.e., implementation of individual health care plans for students with health concerns
  • First aid assessment and treatment
  • Injury and Illness assessment and treatment
  • Referral / counseling / guidance
  • Promotion of healthy life-style choices

Health FAQ's

Absence Lines & Policies

The Pembroke Public Schools require the following procedures to verify pupil absences and address pupil safety concerns in Grades PreK through 12: Parents are expected to call the school as soon as it is determined that a child is to be absent or late.  Please call as early as possible.  (See below for phone numbers.)

We encourage you to call on the day prior to the child's absence if you know such will occur: medical appointments, out-of-town visits, etc.  

For students who are absent, parents will be notified of a student's absence through our blackboard community web manager alert system.  An automatic phone call and an email will go to the contact information provided. This automated call will be sent even if a parent reported the child's absence to the school.  If you had reported your child's absence to the school and you receive the automated absence call, you may disregard the call.  

If your child is going to be absent please call the numbers listed below:

Pembroke Preschool

Bryantville Elementary School

Hobomock Elementary School

North Pembroke Elementary School

Pembroke Community Middle School

Pembroke High School 