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Submit to Titan Times Magazine

The Titan Times Magazine is a quarterly publication produced and distributed by the communications department for the Pembroke Public Schools (PPS).  In general, the Titan Times covers programs, happenings and issues affecting our schools, the district and education.  The purpose of the Titan Times Magazine is to provide information to parents and Pembroke residents on what is happening in our schools.  We believe positive home/school relations are critical to the support and success of our schools.  It is our hope that improved communications with the community will further strengthen that relationship.

We encourage school staff, teachers, PTO members, and the community to submit stories and articles to the Titan Times editors.

How to submit:  Send information to

What to submit: 

  • Programs at your school that will make good story ideas. These can be anything that is unique to your particular schools such as teacher-led activities or new and innovative ways of teaching students.  Stories about students helping others or the community, new and creative ways of using technology in the classroom or spotlights on professional development and learning.
  • Include a history and background of the program or story that you submit.  When and how the program started, who runs the program, the number of students and how it benefits the school or students involved.
  • Try to add testimonial if you can, quotes from those involved give the story more depth.


  • We recommend putting key information in the first paragraph.
  • Keep the same tense throughout.
  • Send in a single attached word document.
  • Include high-resolution images if possible

Submission Deadline:

  • Issue 1:  Fall 2017 Edition:   Due by November 1, 2017
  • Issue 2: Winter 2018 Edition: Due by February 1, 2018
  • Issue 3:  Spring 2018 Edition: Due by May 1, 2018
  • Issue 4: Summer 2018 Edition: Due by August 1, 2018