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Patriot League Spring Venue Information

DUXBURY HIGH SCHOOL                      781-934-7668

V Baseball - Chandler Field at Chandler School

Girls' Golf - Duxbury Yacht Club

Sailing - Duxbury Bay Maritime School, 781-934-7555

Track, V/JV Softball, varsity lacrosse, tennis - held behind the high school

sub varsity baseball - Train field, across the street from the high school

JV/Fr boys' lacrosse and Fr. girls' lacrosse - either Taylor Field (behind Duxbury Free behind Duxbury Free Library, behind the Percy Walker Pool, or behind Duxbury Middle School.

HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL                      781-878-5450 EXT. 3

Tennis - Hanover  High School

Boys and Girls Lax-  Hanover Turf field behind the new school

Cedar  School entrance take a left at maintenance building 5 bays

do not go to the end into the elementary school

JV Softball – behind Cedar school see turf field

JV Baseball–  Hanover Middle   School

Varsity baseball –Sylvester field on Rt. 139 Hanover Center

Varsity Softball- Hanover  Middle School

Track is away

HINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL          781-741-1560 X5

All events except varsity Baseball and Girls’ Golf and Girls and Boys Tennis will be held at Hingham  High School

Baseball will be at Cronin Field – 22 Central St. behind the town hall.

Girls Tennis will be at the Cronin Tennis Courts on Burr Rd. Hingham

Boys Tennis will be the Plymouth River  School on High St.

Golf will be played at the South shore Country Club

PLYMOUTH SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL              508-830-5023

At PSHS: all athletic events on campus

PEMBROKE HIGH SCHOOL                   781-293-3973 x 4

Lacrosse , Track ,Tennis , Softball , Track ,

JV Baseball: Magoon Field, Rt. 53 in Pembroke

Varsity Baseball is played at Mattakessett Field on Mattakessett Street in Pembroke

QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL              617-376-3347

Varsity Baseball – Adams Field, Vietnam Veterans Drive, JV Baseball – Coletta Field, Merrymount Parkway, Freshman Baseball @ Pond St. Park, Pond St. Quincy

Softball – Mitchell McCoy Field @ Veterans Memorial Stadium – JV Softball @ Pageant Field-Vietnam Veterans Drive, Freshmen Softball @ Pageant Field.

Varsity Lacrosse @ Veterans Memorial Stadium

Varsity Tennis @ CTE Tennis Courts on Southern Artery off Coddington St.

NORTH QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL          617-376-3347

Varsity Baseball – Adams Field, Vietnam Veterans Drive, JV Baseball – Coletta Field, Merrymount Parkway, Freshman Baseball @ Montclair-Bishop Field on Holbrook St.,  

Softball – Mitchell McCoy Field @ Veterans Memorial Stadium – JV Softball @ Pageant Field-Vietnam Veterans Drive, Freshmen Softball @ Welcome Young Field on Young St.

Varsity Lacrosse @ Veterans Memorial Stadium

Varsity Tennis @ Montclair-Bishop Field on Holbrook St.

SILVER LAKE HIGH SCHOOL             781-585-3844 x1500

All events in the spring are at the HS except golf which is at Halifax CC

LAX: Back Fields

Softball: Back Fields

Baseball: main field - JV lower fields

Tennis: HS

Track: HS

SCITUATE HIGH SCHOOL                     781-545-8750 x344

Baseball is at SHS

Softball is at Central Field - Central Field is off of First Parish Rd. as is Gates Middle School.  The Central fields are directly across from Gates School.  You can also access the Central fields by  Branch St. , Right next to the town library.  Lawson’s tower is usually how people find Central and Gates.

Lacrosse, boys and girls   at SHS

Track is at the HS

Tennis is at Gates  Middle School

WHITMAN HANSON REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL                781-618-7433

All events are on the Whitman Hanson Campus.